Examine the roles of student voice and student choice in increasing student engagement.

  • Discuss the compelling research and identified best practices that support student engagement.

  • Detail ready-to-implement strategies and models for integrating student voice as it relates to their ownership of learning.

  • Define and describe the elements of a student-centered classroom that students find both dynamic and engaging.

Your instructor - Dr. Margy Jones-Carey

  • Dr. Margy Jones-Carey spent more than 30 years working in PreK-12 public schools with a variety of titles; teacher, principal, coordinator, director, chief academic officer, assistant/associate superintendent and executive director.

  • She also has experience working in higher education and currently works with doctoral students at college in Buffalo, NY. She has experience working in the areas of curriculum design, curriculum audits, pedagogical practices, strategic planning, social and emotional learning/MTSS, restorative practices and leadership development and coaching.

  • She is the host of the PLC Chalk Talk podcasts and is a contributing author on gettingsmart.com.

Overview of "Increasing Student Engagement: Student Voice and Student Choice"

A PLC International Learning Academy On-Demand Course

  • This course examines the roles of student voice and student choice in increasing student engagement. The presenters, Dr. Margy Jones-Carey and Cynthia Rice, offer participants actual strategies that you can use in your classroom, beginning tomorrow!

  • We will examine the impact of a true student voice and choice environment and the powerful dynamic it creates. This is a game-changer for revving up energy, connectedness and improved student involvement. It creates the foundation for that all-important student ownership of learning.

Learning Intentions

  • DISCUSS – leveraging the power of student voice and choice to promote engagement & ownership of the learning process.

  • REVIEW – strategies to build in student voice and choice in classrooms.

  • REFINE – thinking about applying voice and choice in the classroom.

  • DEVELOP – specific opportunities to increase student engagement using voice and choice in your classroom.

Module 1

  • Explores the definition and beginning strategies for using student voice and student choice in your classroom.

Module 2

  • Explores more in-depth strategies such as the question formulation technique and using student feedback to assist with creating classrooms and schools that are rich in the use of student voice and student choice.